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These are the most disruptive companies shaking up healthcare, executives say

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Healthcare executives are keeping their eyes on Amazon. And given the tech giant’s expanding reach [5] in healthcare, that’s not too surprising.

But when KLAS Research asked more than 300 healthcare leaders to identify the most potentially disruptive company in healthcare, they found plenty of smaller, emerging companies getting a lot of buzz as well.

The company names that were dropped could indicate the healthcare problems executives are most focused on solving right now.

Among the top companies frequently mentioned: Cedar [6], a patient payment and engagement platform, according to KLAS Research’s survey. Cedar, launched in 2016, offers patient-personalized medical billing, and the company has raised $49 million in venture capital funding.
More: https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/tech/these-are-most-disruptive-tech-companies-shaking-up-healthcare-according-to-executives?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTWpVd09XWmhZMlJrWmpsayIsInQiOiJtZWVudld5VFBpczNhYXQ1N2V0OStvM0ZEa2ZMV29SSURiOVcxSkFMTGRBdFhSU0dURVwvbE13ZnVUSGh4NExsN05SOGJZK2hiYzgzQ3JXV2JuSE9rV1ZYSkFKYlRmS2lPc3VESFV2c3doR1wvOE5pWVwvSlJJY1QrTnhNZXpQazR3UCJ9&mrkid=937367 [7]
Author: Editorial Team [8]