Canan Schuman, PharmD/PhD

Wetware, the Integration of Human and Machine
Wetware, the integration of human and machine, computer and neuronal circuits combined seamlessly to enhance and control the electronic world around us; to some,...

April 27,1987 The mouse was given to the world!
April 27,1987 The mouse was given to the world! On April 27, 1981, an invention was introduced that forever changed how we interact with our...

Prevent Deadly Heart Arrhythmias?
Prevent Deadly Heart Arrhythmias? Heart disease and the complications caused by heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. The Center for...

Who Wants to Live Forever?
Queen asked in their song of the same title “Who Wants to Live Forever?” Humanity has always struggled with its mortality. Everything ages from machinery...

Neuronal Coherence and Coupling in the Dying Brain
Neuronal Coherence and Coupling in the Dying Human Brain It is said that when we die, our life flashes before our eyes. Those lucky enough...

New Philanthropic Venture Provides Free Open Access Software
New philanthropic venture provides free open access software to help university scientist remain on the cutting edge of research A new 40-million-dollar philanthropic initiative named...

Using AI to Solve the Misfolded Protein Riddle
Using AI to Solve the Misfolded Protein Riddle One of the most daunting challenges in drug discovery is finding drugs for proteins that misfold. The...

New Method for Insulin Delivery Using Stem Cells
New Method for Insulin Delivery Using Stem Cells There are many types of diabetes mellitus including juvenile-onset diabetes (type 1), adult-onset diabetes (type 2), and...

Takotsubo Syndrome in the United States
Takotsubo Syndrome in the United States Valentine’s Day is a holiday empowered by love, romance, wine, and chocolate with the underlying sentiment of celebrating newfound...

Potential Biomarker for Astronauts’ Health?
Potential Biomarker for Astronauts’ Health? The physiological stressors of space flight are a significant obstacle to overcome, especially for the 6-month flight to Mars, as...